
Manufacture of traditional-style pickled food and grower of organic vegetables

Takayama City Gifu Prefecture JAPAN

FF AgricultureAgriculture

FF Agriculture
Fertilizer-free farming is the future of farming.

The first thing I want farmers to realize is that it is agriculture that will change the world today.
(It was written by Nobuhiro Fujino 2003)

Fertilizer-free and pesticide-free cultivation

Fertilizer-Free Farming means that no chemical fertilizers, pesticides, or even organic fertilizers are used in the cultivation process. However, this is not unattended farming.

And from now on, it is time for people to live according to the order and rules of the natural world, and when we can feel the joy of others as our own, the time will come when we can use cosmic (heavenly) energy as our ally. I hope that the transmutation of elements that is now beginning to occur in Fertilizer-Free Farming will spread to the general public as soon as possible and help with the soaring resources and environmental degradation that has become a problem.

1.Water remembers

The first thing I want farmers to realize is that it is agriculture that will change the world today.

Agriculture essentially has the power to make this possible. First of all, I want you to live in a way that makes you happy, joyful, and grateful.

Recall that most agricultural produce is made up of water. For example, cucumbers are said to be 98% water, tomatoes are said to be 95% water, and leafy greens are said to be 99% water. The important thing to note here is that water remembers.

The human body is also made up of 60-70% water, so when you eat the produce of farmers who live this way of life, the moment you put it in your mouth, you are in tune with it, and the way of life of the person who eats it becomes "happy, joyful and grateful."

This is exactly how food works on people's consciousness.

Also, crops that have been produced in a way that is good for the body can become food as superior medicine to keep the body healthy. From now on, we will live in an age where things will be eliminated unless they are good for people, good for the planet, and absolutely necessary.

Food is something that works for the human mind, so producers will be required to have a high level of spirituality. Agriculture can be the best profession.

A consumer said, "I ate a little bit and it worked for my mind, and then I continued to eat it and it worked for my body.”

2.Reward for small-scale farmers - if you make good produce the money will follow

From Profitable Agriculture to be appreciated by people

In the future, corporate farming operations will become more difficult to run and personal farming operations will grow, changing from "farming which makes a profit" to "farming which results in profit."

Corporate management is based on the pursuit of profit. It is always based on the calculation of investment versus sales, amortizing expenses and seeking profits.

By contrast, private farmers focus on their crops first and foremost, and as a result they often don't take Sundays or holidays off, or even mind making midnight rounds.

This is nothing less than compassion for the crop and the desire to produce a good crop. As I mentioned before, crops are mostly water, so the vibrations of this desire are reflected and remembered in all the crops they produce.

When the true value of farming is recognized, the smaller the farmer, the more rewarding it will be. This is because farmers who are scaling up with large operations tend to be less detailed and more average.

Small-scale farmers are able to compensate for this shortcoming and manage their crops with an eye and mind for detail. We have found that the crops that are produced in this way have a higher level of power than they should have.

The important thing that will be required of agriculture in the future is how to raise the consciousness of the consumers who eat the food. Of course, food will become more and more valuable to the consumers who eat it, as it is fundamental to their health and well-being.

And it will not be long before the previously hidden fact that food raises the level of consciousness will come to the surface and people will realize the importance of this. Consumers who understand this will fight for higher levels of produce that benefit their bodies and minds.

Farmers say, "Of course, it's nice to be able to sell them at a high price, but it's also very gratifying to hear from consumers that the food is really good, that they keep eating it and their bodies are getting better, that their families are getting along better, and that the atmosphere in their homes is getting brighter. I sincerely believe that this is the best part of farming.” This is the true joy of farming, isn't it?

If we focus on "making a good product," we will be able to make a profit without having to pursue profit. I think you will understand that the truly good things of the future will be those that raise the level of our consciousness to a higher level, and this cannot be done by focusing on profit and loss. No other profession requires a higher level of heart than agriculture. As long as people are involved, isn’t it real agriculture to be able to produce something that is even better than what is possible in nature?

3. Delicious food is good for the body and the environment

Crops that are truly good for you are those that do not contain excess nitrogen. Simply put, they are the ones that taste good and delicious. If there is excess nitrogen, crops become bitter and their taste is degraded. Also, when excess nitrogen in crops enters the human body, it combines with amino acids and turns into nitrosamines (potent cancer-causing substances).

In addition, we hear people say that vegetables used to be tasty, but today's vegetables are not so good. This is because organic farming used to be the norm and vegetables were high in minerals, but nowadays, chemical fertilizers are mainly used. Recently, however, things have changed and organic farming using organic fertilizers has become popular.

Since this is good for the people who eat it and is the direction of the times to come, it is likely that more and more farmers will be involved in organic farming. From an environmental point of view, organic fertilizers are certainly less harmful than chemical fertilizers, but that does not mean that organic farming does not have a negative impact on the environment at all. For example, if the organic fertilizer (nitrogen) dissolved in water is not absorbed by the crops, it will enter the groundwater, and at that point it will degrade the environment. Therefore, the value of growing without fertilizer application will become clearer.

4.What is the production of crops which act as superior drugs, which are beneficial to people’s mind?

Future illnesses will be cured before they get sick.

We all have the same desire not to get sick, don't we? In Eastern medicine, there is a stage called "presymptomatic disease" before a person becomes ill, and it is said that doctors are supposed to cure a person when he or she is not yet ill. It is true that Chinese medicine cures patients when they are not yet sick, and it is said that when the person they are examining becomes ill, they are told to bow down and apologize. On the other hand, in Western medicine, one is simply considered either sick or healthy.

In China, vegetables were originally considered to be the superior medicine. This is because the original vegetables had the power to cure diseases, and the medicine was the inferior medicine and the vegetables were the superior medicine. This has been proven in recent years from the perspective of vibrations.

According to Masaru Emoto's MRA wave measurement device (+21 to -21), the normal wave value of a healthy person is +13 to +14, while vegetables are +15 to +16. In other words, if a person eats vegetables with high wave values from the time they are with presymptomatic disease (±0 to -18) before they get sick, their body will be in tune with the high wave values and return to their natural health, and if a person who is sick according to doctors (-19 to -20) eats, the person gets better and better.

The more you eat, the more you are attuned to its vibrations and the more you can raise it without any special effort. If a food has real power, the moment you put it in your mouth, your grip on it may increase by 10kg. In other words, the body is instantly in tune with the water in the food and the vibrational value goes up.

The last stage of presymptomatic disease is when you have subjective symptoms such as "something is not quite right" or "I don't feel well," but when you go to the doctor, the symptoms are not named. When the body is not yet sick, it begins to send out signals of abnormality.

For example, if the intestines fall into a presymptomatic disease, the knees hurt, and if the gall bladder falls into a presymptomatic disease, the hip feels strange. Ringing in the ears and pain in the left shoulder is from a presymptomatic disease of the heart. Nausea, dizziness is from presymptomatic diseases of several parts, etc. For a healthy body, it is important to eat healthy produce which are superior medicine.

It is a prerequisite that vegetables that can be called "superior medicines" are grown without using pesticides, fertilizers, compost, etc., which cause excess nitrogen. Furthermore, crops have memory, so it is important that they remember the vibes of the farmer who wants to make the people who eat them happy and who lives a life of "happiness, fun and gratitude."

This way of thinking goes far beyond the conventional idea of "growing food to satisfy the hungry," but from now on, it will be a major role for agriculture to "raise the vibrations of the people who eat." Therefore, the "farmer's way of life" will be especially challenged in the future. This is because the crops will be in tune with the farmer's thoughts and remember their vibrations.

The farmer's way of life starts with being grateful for everything that happens. As you start doing this, you will feel better and better, and the things you used to hate and dislike will turn into things you are thankful for.

Then you will feel more and more at ease with yourself, which will cause an upturn, and more and more good things will happen - even the weather will be in sync with you. When this happens, you will see the law of the universe that you don't have to worry and feel anxious, and what you think will come true.

The crops produced by farmers who have started this way of life are high quality medicinal crops that are in tune with the vibes of the farmer's "happy, joyful, and grateful" vibes, so the people who eat them will also be in tune with the vibes of the crops and their bodies and minds will be healthy. Today, most people in the world have chronic fatigue syndrome and a lowered level of consciousness. Many people tend to be too selfish to protect themselves. When sick and unwell people start to eat the produce, which is high vibration superior medicine, their body and mind become healthier and healthier. The more such people increase, the more the world will change. From now on, agriculture will be the best profession and the main agent of change in the world.


5.The “Age of the Mind” begins to emerge through agriculture

Voice from a farmer

A client ordered twice the normal yield for a week of special sales. The yield doubled during this period and returned to the original level at the end of the week-long bargain period. (Ibaraki)

Although we don't use herbicides in our fields, there are fewer weeds than in the fields where herbicides are applied, and the cutworm acts as a beneficial insect that feeds on the weeds instead of eating the crops. (Hokkaido)

We haven't taken any defensive measures against wild boars, but they have been staying on the footpaths instead of entering the fields and fields. (Kumamoto)

We do not use an exhaust chimney for the heavy oil heater and leave the exhaust inside the greenhouse, but the crops happily continue to grow. (Kumamoto)

Consumer feedback

I was terribly depressed both physically and mentally, but I kept eating the vegetables you sent me and now I feel healthy and at ease both mentally and physically. I am really grateful to the vegetables! When I ate the carrots, the values that were showing a near-hemorrhage went down in the blink of an eye, and my irritability and anger were gone. (Kagawa)

A child who had been out of school for many years started eating vegetables and rice, and to my surprise he started going to school. However, when he stopped eating these vegetables, he refused to go to school again, and I was amazed that he was able to go back to school again after resuming his diet of vegetables and rice. (Tokyo)

My child was able to get into a college that was thought to be impossible to get into. His grades weren't that good, but after he started eating potatoes and rice, his grades went up. My son seemed to be able to harmonize his body and mind with great results. I am truly amazed. (Kanagawa)

Since my family started eating rice and vegetables, we have become more energetic and close. My son, who is in his third year of high school, is now calmer and less irritable and resentful, and he is no longer rebellious. (Shizuoka)

Hay fever

I wonder if there will be a lot of pollen flying around today.' I think eating mushrooms helped with my hay fever. I am thankful for this. (Koshigaya City)

I've been suffering from hay fever for 20 years, and March and April were always terrible. My eyes were red and itchy, I was sneezing continuously, my nose was congested all the time, and I had almost no sense of taste. After 20 days of eating mixed leaves, I had a little bit of nose congestion and almost no sneezing, so I can live a more comfortable life. (Osaka, Japan)


I ordered a rose from Mr. Yodogawa and I put it in the bathtub and took a bath. I've been having a pain in my right neck and shoulder for a long time, and my head was heavy last night. When I took the rose bath, the headache disappeared. I was able to take a bath and sleep peacefully. (Kanagawa Prefecture)

Clogged ear

Carrots, they’re amazing. If my ears got clogged, they stayed clogged for a while, but now that I've had 30 bottles of carrot juice, they rarely get clogged anymore. It really is amazing! (Nayoro City)

Eczema of the eyes and chest

The tomatoes have arrived. I had a red rash on my eyes and chest and it was very painful, but the tears stopped and the eye mucus stopped appearing and the red rash on my chest also stopped appearing. I could realize that my body was relieved after 2 or 3 days of eating tomatoes. (Hadano City)

Frozen shoulders and chest pain

My left shoulder suddenly became painful from the frozen shoulder to my back, neck and chest. I drank cucumber juice, and the pain disappeared the next day (Noda City).

Tailbone pain

I continued to eat the cucumber and was relieved of the dull ache as soon as the skin tone around my kidneys, which had been darkened, changed. Also, the pain in my tailbone that had been there for a year was gone as soon as I ate tomatoes for a few days. (Tokyo)


My mother, who used to feel heavy and sluggish, seemed to feel lighter as soon as she ate the hatsuka-daikon radish. I also felt rough skin due to a lack of vitamins, but after eating hatsuka-daikon radish, I had tremendous energy and the rough skin disappeared. (Kanagawa Prefecture)


6.Soil preparation for the future

The first thing you need to do is to eliminate the causes of disease and insects in your crops. That means growing crops with the power of the soil, not with the power of fertilizer. The first step in soil preparation is to remove immature matter from the soil in the field. If you put in organic fertilizer or compost, you will inevitably end up with immature organic matter in the soil, unless you are using a fully mature one.

The organic immature gases that come out of it can damage the roots and cause Pythium, Fusarium, and root bumps, so you have to move toward eliminating this. If you rely on the power of fertilizer, the crops will inevitably absorb too much fertilizer, and that excess nitrogen will remain, and it will become food for insects and pathogens, so the need for pesticides will arise. Pesticide-free cultivation can be achieved by making the soil in the field healthy, eliminating the cause of disease from the roots, eliminating disease and insect bait (ammonia nitrogen for insects and nitrate-nitrogen for pathogens) from the crop as much as possible, and improving the environment. The excess nitrogen that feeds insects and pathogens makes the human body worse when it gets into the body, which is why the insects come to eat the crops instead.

A cabbage farmer reported that his body and mind have become much more comfortable since he started growing cabbages without pesticides. He reported that birds do not peck at the cabbages here and there, but only peck at the specific cabbages, so there is less damage from birds, which is really good.

The roots of crops are made in collaboration with soil bacteria, so the more bacteria you have, the more roots are produced. This is not yet generally known, but the roots that come out are all different depending on the fungus. It is the fine roots that give it a better taste. The fine roots collect minerals. If the soil is bad, the fine roots will not be able to produce fine roots due to the decomposition gases of the immature organic matter.

In other words, the roots work together with the microorganisms in the soil, so the way the roots come out depends on what kind of microorganisms are there. Normally, when a crop is planted, the stem grows straight and long above the soil. If the tops of the plants grow before the roots grow, they will fall over, but in the case of Fertilizer-Free Farming, the roots grow first after the seedlings are planted. The above-ground part of the plant does not grow for a week after planting, but after the roots grow, the above-ground part of the plant finally begins to grow.

 This farming method is different from standard cultivation, which is why farmers worry about it, but there is a huge difference between having weak roots and not growing, and having strong roots and not growing. If the roots are weak, the leaves will wilt if they are suddenly exposed to the sun, but if the roots are strong and growing, the crop is unperturbed.


7.It's time for transmutation of elements from agriculture

Today's agriculture is based on the application of fertilizers with three main elements: nitrogen, phosphate, and potassium. In the past, vegetables were grown in rotation, but nowadays they are grown in consecutive crops or exclusively. As a result, today's vegetables are said to be bad and do not taste as good as they did in the past, but this is due to a lack of minerals and excess nitrogen.

However, as long as we are cultivating crops in succession, it is clear that minerals and other components necessary for the crops will be in short supply through natural mechanisms alone. It is said that this is the limit of fertilized cultivation and is the reason why diseases and insects are frequent. It is commonly known that when there is a lack of minerals in the food, people become irritable and angry easily, but human organs need the mineral.

Nowadays people are said to have a lower average body temperature and lower immunity due to this mineral deficiency. Life forms, including humans, cannot live without minerals. Therefore, we need to utilize the transmutation that occurs in nature to artificially promote transmutation without applying fertilizer, and to produce crops that contain enough of the minerals they are originally intended to contain.

The transformation of elements was found originally in the natural world where we live, but we simply have not looked at it. In order for us to be involved in the transmutation, it is necessary for us to think and live according to the order of nature or the rules of the natural world, and the transmutation will occur only when we can do so.

In agriculture it is made possible by the power of the soil and the level of consciousness of the person growing it, and this mechanism will eventually be scientifically proven. Crops grown by people with a higher level of consciousness will make people's bodies healthier, inspire their minds, and produce higher yields.

This will be proven by the fact that fertilizer-free crops will yield more than organic crops. This is not just a pipe dream, but will soon become a reality. Farming will soon be the best profession and it will soon be the backbone of our society. Young people will pursue agriculture. Young people want to be cool, they want to have a sense of purpose and inspiration. The high income is also attractive. Fertilizer-Free Farming will be a true expression of this.

And from now on, it is time for people to live according to the order and rules of the natural world, and when we can feel the joy of others as our own, the time will come when we can use cosmic (heavenly) energy as our ally.

I hope that the transmutation of elements that is now beginning to occur in Fertilizer-Free Farming will spread to the general public as soon as possible and help with the soaring resources and environmental degradation that has become a problem.


8.Farming in dialogue with the crops

Talk to the leader of the crops

When a crop becomes judgmental, it becomes easier to grow.

For example, they will no longer have leaf water (leaf water is, in human terms, drinking and eating too much). If there is an excess of fertilizer, the crop will stop absorbing this if it does not need it. And if you call out to them, they will respond with a yes or no (there are many ways to communicate with plants, but in a special case, there are ways to talk directly with them).

This will make the crop production gentler. In general, the outcome of crop growing is determined by "the grower's ability to anticipate the weather and the outcome of the operation at this point in time". If you draw on the judgment of the crop and let the crop do its thing, you will get interesting results.

However, if the crop also gets tired or otherwise loses its judgement, you just have to keep that in mind. Always watch when the core color darkens, and if it gets darker than about 11:00 am at the latest (in a northern Kanto winter greenhouse), you can be sure of that.

Dialogue with the crop

The first step is to find the leader of the field.

If the farmer is unfamiliar with the field, I will advise the farmer where to find the leader in the field. When the farmer calls out "Mr. Leader," he responds by moving the leaves and vines. When you find the leader, ask him what you want to hear.

He will respond with a yes or no (by moving the leaves and vines). Of course, he will respond to any question you ask. You can be sure that the leader will respond based on his judgment of the whole picture.

If he is a soldier, he will usually order what he wants and not think about the whole thing. If he is a leader, he will order what he wants even if he does not want it, but if the whole group needs it, he will order it. The leader will always be in the group. And the leader is always short and stocky. They are strong and not overgrown (although this is not always the case with people, and some leaders are tall). Also, they do not have leaf water.

Having leaf water is a sign that the plant is absorbing too much water, and if the crop has good judgment, it will naturally not have leaf water. The most troublesome time is when the leader is replaced. If you inadvertently ask the previous leader, he will respond with pride, but you'll notice because you'll do what he says and the results won't work.

Also, when they are fighting for leadership, they will respond with "me, me", so be careful. It would be better to ask the crop fairy, originally...


Crops listen and anticipate people's feelings.

One cucumber farmer always got half the normal yield on Saturdays. When I told him that if he asked for cucumbers, he would get Saturdays and Sundays off, the farmer replied that he did not want to take whole days off.

As a result, the Saturday harvest has now been cut in half. However, the decrease of yield has been compensated on Fridays and Sundays (a farmer's Saturday falls on a normal Sunday).

A cucumber farmer received an extra-large order from the supermarket where he delivered cucumbers during the special sales period.

The farmer thought it was unlikely that he would be able to supply them, but he was able to deliver them with a higher yield than he had ordered, and the quantity of cucumbers dropped off as soon as it was over. Another farmer told me that when he said, "My father and mother will be away tomorrow and I'll be too busy to make it," his harvest that day was half of his usual yield and the next day the yield increased.

Here's a story about a farmer. Cucumbers he sent to a store were returned as wilted, but when they came back, they looked fresh enough. “This has happened more than once or twice. I wonder what it is?” he said to me. ”I told him that it was probably because the cucumbers didn't want to be sold in that store,” he said. Later, the wholesaler reported that they had stopped shipping because that store was the one they did not want to be sold to.

9.The fairies gathered around the crops and the Faun


Last time, we heard from Mr. Fujino about the importance of being grateful, happy and thankful. He said that when you are in contact with the crops with that kind of mindset, the farmer's vibrations will be transmitted to the crops. Then the crop fairies would cooperate with us. So, what kind of fairies are they?


Fairies are supposed to be everywhere, but pesticides and other chemicals have made them uninhabitable. When I happened to go to Mr. Iwasaki's farm, he said, "From today, you can talk to the fairies.“ A fairy is a dwarf, the most famous example being the Scottish Findhorn.


Yes. They're considered to be dwarfs. According to research on fairies, they are thought to be about the height of a three-year-old boy, but they are said to be able to change freely to the size of a poppy seed, so it's called naughty kids!


The first time I felt its presence was when I rented a field to grow vegetables, but the person who was using it had planted sorghum to feed cattle, and it was unkempt and had a lot of weeds growing on it. So, as I mowed it down, I heard a voice in my ear, "Don't mow there," almost in the middle of the field. That was our first contact.

When I asked Mr. Fujino about it, he told me that there was a god there and that I shouldn't mow it. When I think about it now, I don't think it was a fairy, but the Faun. The energy in our mushroom plots used to be low, so the Faun couldn't move over there and was in the uncut meadow.

The energy in the mushroom plots is gradually rising, so I'm getting to a point where I can talk to the Faun in the mushroom plot. Our mushroom plots are divided into six rooms, but it's mainly room 3 where the Faun shows up.


What is the relationship between the Faun and the fairy?


The fairies are held together by the Faun, and in European myths and fairy tales, the Faun has the body of a horse with a human face. It's the same as that. He is just there with his head down and is relatively calm, but the fairies go around and seem to be wary of humans these days, even though they are in charge of the growth of plants. That's why they are angry. So, when I talk to the Faun, he says, "Well, then let me talk to the fairy.”

The sketch of Pan (kentaurus?)

I went into the mushroom room again this morning, and Mr. Pastor says, "Not enough water.". Mushroom beds have always been prepared with a mixture of straw and horse manure. Good mushrooms have a certain stickiness to them. “Remember the water and this feeling,” he told me.


Are you hearing voices? Oh. If the Faun is the incarnation of a horse, it has a lot to do with mushrooms, doesn't it? That reminds me of Dobbissy's Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun (Stéphane Mallarmé’s 1894 poem), in which the Faun desire and dream in the heat of the afternoon.

It's a poem about giving up chasing after the fairies and the water nymphs, and dreaming of having the entire natural world at his disposal. The Faun is the one who unites the fairies, isn't he? So, Mr. Iwasaki can see the Faun in room 3?


Yes. He's transparent, but he has four legs, the body of a horse on his lower half, a human neck with fangs and horns, and ears that point upwards like demon ears.

He looks just like the one in the movie Harry Potter. If he turns his head to the side, it's totally a horse. The height is about two meters tall. Sometimes he suddenly appears in front of me.


Something that big. It's about the size of a real horse. This is an amazing story. And how about the fairy?


There are fairies and dwarfs. They are not the same, but different. The fairies are about 30-40 cm tall. The fairies in my house are brown and hairy. They have something in their hands, and I'm not sure if it's a flute or a wand. They are moving all over the place. The dwarfs on the other hand are chunks of glittering particles of light and it's hard to tell, but they seem to be helping the fairies. I can see them around you now.


Around me? Did they come into the house? Among fairies, the nymphs of Greek mythology are considered generally friendly to people, as they blossom on farms and ranches, keep an eye on livestock, and cure human diseases. Generally speaking, it would be the supernatural as believed by the ancient Celts of Europe and Northern Europe. Very interesting.


I've read and studied a lot of books on mushroom cultivation, and what's in the literature and what's in practice can be very different. For example, the books say that mushrooms must be grown in a weak acidic environment. When I asked him about it, he replied, "No, that’s not right. The groundwater at my place is from the Tenryu River system, which has a pH of 8 and is highly alkaline. This makes it unsuitable for mushrooms, according to the literature, because they don't germinate, but our water germinates well.

I can see and hear the Faun and fairies, but even if you tell people these stories, they won't understand. Even if I receive bad news, I can't do anything for them.


That’s right. Few people will understand.


Our mushroom plots have so much energy that people stopping by have become more generous and stay longer. I find myself in a relaxed and happy mood every morning when I walk into the room, and I think the people who stop by feel the same way. Some of them leave quickly. Maybe they just don't feel the same way.


In your opinion, are Fauns and fairies everywhere?


Yes, sir. They are everywhere. But if the farmer doesn't appreciate the crops they produce or the local vibes aren't good, they won't support them. It seems that fairies have their own specialties, too, so for carrots, there are carrot fairies, and for tomatoes, there are tomato fairies, and so on. There are all sorts of fairies in my field right now.

Of all the things Mr. Fujino said to me, the one that stuck with me the most was, "You can't produce crops that are higher than your soul level, so the only way to produce good crops is to raise your soul.” So gratitude is a soul booster. I've found that it attracts fairies to you.

Farming methods


How to Live Your Life

Today, many of you are wondering why the world—our minds and the environment—has become like this. Unstable weather has also become serious. Many of you don’t know how to survive such a world and feel lost and uneasy. However, anyone can lead an “easy, comfortable, enjoyable and happy” life. To do so, you need to be thankful for everything. You should not worry about other people and allow fate to decide outcomes. Remember, there is nothing you shouldn’t be thankful for, even if things aren’t working for you!

If you live your life this way, your mind will be lighter. You will feel “I love myself so I can be good to others. I’m happy when I make others happy, so I want to help others be happy.” In this way, you will feel more grateful for everything, and the more you feel happy, the more often good things will come to you. Feelings of gratitude can be transmitted to the celestial world and move the cosmic energy to create miracles in your life. Car fumes will be harmless. Crops will keep growing without agricultural chemicals, fertilizers or compost. Money will come to you whenever you need it. The weather will work in your favor. Illness is caused by your way of thinking, so you may feel better due to the cosmic energy. You will receive support from the celestial world in a visible way. These things will not only happen to special people but will happen to everyone equally. This way of living is a way to live with love and without ego. Humans will tune into Mother Nature. We are part of nature, and nature is love itself.

Why are we born?

First of all, you need to understand that humans are repeating the cycle of birth and death. For example,

1. You meet someone for the first time, but you feel nostalgic and sense that you have met the person before.

2. You visit a place for the first time, but you feel nostalgic and think you have been there before.

3. You look at a map and find the name of a place you cannot stop thinking about. These things happen because of experiences in your previous lives. So, why are we reincarnated?

You might sometimes wonder why unreasonable things happen to you. According to Mr. Sakata, who induces hypnosis to communicate to his clients’ souls, our souls explain to him all the reasons for such unreasonable things. “Everything happens for a reason. We have been reincarnated, and when we have a chance to be reborn, our soul decides what it wants to experience and what kind of information it wants to obtain because our soul remembers everything that happened in our previous lives. Our soul plans the story of our life and chooses our parents before birth,” he says.

Therefore, we all have “a stage for a play called ‘Life,’” and we are “the main actors in the play.” The stage is the environment you are living in, and your soul determines your personality and abilities before your birth. Your current life is the best life you have planned and wanted, so you will not envy what other people do. When your life comes to an end, it is best to say “I enjoyed the stage and my role, and I’m glad I was born” before dying. Your life is what your soul has planned, so there is no hardship you cannot overcome.

According to Mr. Sakata, all people who have experienced a near death experience say “I want to go where the gods are and become a light” when they die.

Everyone wants to become Light. What is the place like where gods reside?

Mr. Sanefuji of Chiba Prefecture explains that the world we live in is positioned as a three-dimensional world. On the other side of the world, there are dimensions numbered from four to nine. Souls are classified by levels. The levels the gods and high-level spirits (lights) are in are the eighth and ninth dimensions. When we die, our souls return straight to the level where our souls were in our lives before death. Your soul cannot meet the souls in different levels on the other side. The key is how to get your soul to the “light” level while you are in this world.

A grateful heart brings happiness.

Even if you feel frustrated or have to overcome challenges, you will feel better when you acknowledge the feelings and give thanks for them. There is a god called the “God of Delight.” When we feel happy, this god collects our happiness and celebrates it.

If we think “This is just luck,” this god processes it as a coincidence. So, if we feel thankful for everything and choose to be happy, this god will visit us more often. This is a simple rule that shows that good things happen if we turn worry and fear into gratitude.

Many religions teach us “to love everyone/everything” and “to not have an ego.” However, we cannot remove our “ego.” We have an ego, but we should not use it. Many of us try hard and then begin to say “but” like “I’m trying so hard but…”. This leads to complaining. You need to stop this and feel lucky you had the opportunity to do your best.

1. Attitudes to have in each dimension

Dimension 4: Having an objective view

We plan our own lives before we are born. We need to view our personalities and environment objectively.

There is a book called “Saved by the Light” by Dannion Brinkley. The author went to the other side twice. He went there the first time when he was struck by lightening in 1975 and then the next time during heart surgery. According to the book, when we go to the other side, we will experience all that we have done from other people’s perspectives.

As a result, if you feel “oh boy, I made others feel terrible. I’ve done really nasty things to them,” you will suffer a lot when you die, and you will not be able to go to a good place.

We all have weaknesses, and each weakness has a meaning. We are born with weaknesses in order to truly learn opposite values. For example, people who have trouble being kind will learn about kindness, and people who need strength are born to obtain strength. It is perfectly fine to have weaknesses. This is because your soul designs your weaknesses and your character. The opposite of weakness is strength. If we remove our weaknesses, we will lose our strengths.

A man with an anger problem explained that he would punch the air whenever he felt angry. If he ever punches someone, it will be a big problem. So, if he feels the urge, he should move to a large space or punch the air where nobody is around and thus calm himself down. If you consistently look at your weaknesses objectively, your rational mind will be actively working all the time. Therefore, you will control your emotional behaviors, you will become more careful, and you will make better choices.

If you do not show your weaknesses to others, this will be the same as not having the weaknesses.

2. Dimension 5: Be thankful for everything

When we are born, we are born with “karma.”

Bad karma occurs because you made others feel bad in your previous lives. These experiences will cause unfavorable events in your current life.

In order to remove bad karma, you need to acknowledge that unfavorable things have happened to you so that you can remove the karma and be thankful. The more you remove the karma, the closer you will move toward the light.

If you keep wondering why such unfair things have happened to you and remain resentful, your bad karma will never go away, and you will never reach the light.

The basic concept is “gratitude.” We repeat the cycle of birth and death. If you punch someone, you cannot complain even if you are punched back; but if you are punched for no reason, you should understand this as the bad karma you had before you were born. Once you understand this, you will feel thankful.

Law of the Universe: Everything that happens to you happens because of you. What you have done to others will come back to you. “What goes around, comes around.” A Chinese saying: No one is born without lending or borrowing.

【Gratitude brings miracles】

Because we are born after we plan our own lives, the worse things seem to you, the more important they are for you. We need to be thankful and try to overcome these things.

(Example) My husband was always in a bad mood. When he was at home, the rest of the family felt tense. It was as if a strong cold wind was blowing inside the house. I was thinking about divorcing him. He was working hard, and he was away half the month. That time when he was away was the only time the rest of the family could relax. After learning about having gratitude, I tried to feel thankful for whatever he did and said, and then he started humming a song all of a sudden one day. He began to smile more. He used to blame everything on me and our children, but he changed completely. Our household became a bright and enjoyable one, and I experience the wonder of gratitude each day. I also realized I was the cause of everything he was doing. We have fun everyday now. (by a housewife)

(Example) I received a letter from a follower which said “My life was full of hardship, and I truly hated being alive. However, when I learned to be thankful, I became overwhelmed by gratitude and was unable to stop crying.”

3. Dimension 6: Do not concerns about what other people are thinking and doing

 Since our birth, All people have these four types of thoughts:

  1. Concerns about what other people are thinking and doing
  2. The desire to assert the validity of one’s own ideas
  3. The feeling that they don’t even know what they don’t know
  4. Worries about what the future will bring
  5. Feeling sad.

If we observe these thoughts within us with a detached and objective perspective, then we can be freed of the anxiety that they cause us.

  1. We cannot help but to notice and be concerned about what other people are thinking and doing, so we can find relief if we disregard these things. Although it is important to exist in harmony with the people around us, we should not worry about differences in personal values.

  2. People tend to assert their ideas. Because deep down we believe that we are right, we sometime get into arguments. We can mitigate this by realizing that we might be mistaken, and that the cause of everything that happens to us lies within ourselves.

  3. Awareness of our own ignorance … We must understand that our own knowledge is incomplete. If we realize that there are many things that we do not know, and that not everything that we know is necessarily true, then we will cease to reject the ideas of others, and this will give us relief. What is considered right in one period of history may be considered wrong in the next.

  4. We should entrust our fate to the heavens (nature). It is human nature to feel the pull of desire and the ego in the struggle for existence, so we must exercise caution. We must always remain objective about our own thoughts.

  5. 4. We all have sadness. However, if you realize that your life is the best life you planned before you were born, you will start enjoying your life, and your sadness will disappear.

If you stop clinging to things, you will be free from anger and resentment, and your mind will feel freer.

(Voice of a person who experienced this)

Since I learned why we were born and the meaning of the dimensions numbered four to six, I realized I had stopped worrying about others and getting upset. There is always a deeper meaning to what others say to me. I now think the harsher their words are, the more important it is for me to listen and be thankful. I have to be thankful for everything that is happening to me. I don’t feel that I need a lot of money, and I am grateful for the hardships that I experience each day. I understand that all the things I experience are “rare situations given to me from heaven,” and I feel thankful for them.

4. Dimension 7: Let fate decide

We are born with fear of the future. So, if you let heaven (gods) decide your fate, your fears and worries will disappear, and you can live life without feeling so stressed.

When someone took me to a shrine in Okutama, the priest said “all the gods including the god who created the universe are here. These gods comprise a ‘spirit group.’ You should let the group decide your fate.”

It took me four or five months before I decided to do so. Then my fears and worries all disappeared, and my mind felt lighter.

Unmei Unmei in Japanese means “a fate which can be overturned,” so you can change it. (i.e. your first name & last name)

Shukumei Shukumei in Japanese means “a fate which was predetermined,” so you cannot change it. (i.e. your birthday)

If you leave your fate to the gods, your unmei will change. If you gain entrance to the light level, even your shukumei will change.

5. Dimensions 8 & 9: Full of love

Dimension 8: Level of local gods

(“yao yorozu no kami” [eight million gods] in Japan and stellar gods)

All the things that happen to you are the best things. You plan your life and choose your parents before you are born. What happens to you is all from karma from previous lives and what you have done in this life. (“What goes around, comes around.”) In this level, you feel thankful; and when bad things happen, you think, “I’m glad these things happened to me to remove my bad karma.”

Dimension 9: Level of gods with the god of creation as the supreme god

We say “god is love.” The creator of the universe is the leader of the gods, so he is the personification of love. This god created earth, nature and human beings. We are beings created by love, and the world is full of love. If you understand this and immerse yourself in it, you will reach the light level.


Hida Takayma
Yoshima Farm

Takayama City
Gifu Prefecture JAPAN